Friday, June 10, 2011

Shia LaBeouf says 'Transformers 3' will be his last

Finally, a voice of reason. After sitting through Megan Fox's horrendous performance in the first two movies, watching rough special effects and seeing human beings showing attachment to large robots that can also turn into cars named Bumblebee, Shia LaBeouf has finally turned down the opportunity to star in any future Transformer movies. And while that fact alone doesn't ensure that there won't be any more films, it does ensure that I won't being sitting through them.

Apparently director Michael Bay has indicated that this will also be his last film of the action series.

In case this hasn't been clear, I'm not a fan of the Transformer movies. I think the films are poorly acted, have horrible story lines and their "cool" special effects are shot so close to the transforming objects that it's impossible to see what's really going on (well, maybe that's intentional). The latest installment, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, will feature Rose Huntington-Whiteley in place of Megan Fox (who was fired after insulting director Michael Bay...good idea Megan). Ms. Huntington-Whiteley is clearly an experienced actress. Her credits include various Victoria Secret fashion shows. So I just can't wait to see her pull out an Oscar-worthy performance in this film.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon will be released on June 29. And Shia claims it will be "our best movie." Yeah, yeah that's what you said last time Shia, and I spent half of it stifling inappropriate laughter.

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