The film adaptation of Seth Grahame-Smith’s book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has had its share of set backs with various directors showing interest in the project before dumping it. But now directors Craig Gillespie and Marti Noxon (who paired up to do this summer's Fright Night) have taken on the project. Gillespie directed the award-winning show United States of Tara and Noxon was one of the producers of my favorite TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And now they're on the hunt for a leading lady for their spooky spin on the Jane Austen classic.

Originally Natalie Portman had been offered the role of Elizabeth Bennett, but after she turned it down Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson and Mia Wasikowska were all considered for the role. Well Emma, there's nothing like fifth place! Seriously though, I think Emma Stone would be a perfect Elizabeth Bennett, especially in this version of Pride and Prejudice. She already has plenty of experience with zombies after being one of the few to survive in Zombieland and hopefully her performance in The Help will prove that not all of her roles have to be set in the present.
Do you guys think she'll do a good job?
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