Friday, June 10, 2011

'Titanic' rereleased in 3D April 2012

While many have judged me for making this statement, I still say Titanic is one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen. Many mock James Cameron for making predictable, plot-less film, but that man knows his way around a camera. I first saw Titanic at the age of 7. It was the first PG-13 movie I ever saw in theaters and it was also the first time I ever cried in a movie. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how much would be lost once I watched the film on first VHS and then DVD. There are certain movies that are meant to be on a big screen, and Titanic is definitely one of those.

Now in terms of the 3D element, I'm not sure that's entirely necessary, but Avatar was the best 3D movie I've seen thus far, so I'm sure Cameron will do an excellent job with this. All that matters is that Titanic will be on the big screen once more.

"There's a whole generation that's never seen Titanic as it was meant to be seen, on the big screen," Cameron said. "And this will be Titanic as you've never seen it before, digitally re-mastered at 4K and painstakingly converted to 3D. With the emotional power intact and the images more powerful than ever, this will be an epic experience for fans and newcomers alike."

The film will be released on April 6, 2012 to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the actual Titanic sinking. It will also honor the 100 year anniversary of Paramount.

"Paramount has had the pleasure of introducing audiences to some of the all-time classics of cinema during that century of moviemaking and we cannot think of a better way to mark the occasion than with this re-release of Titanic," said Brad Grey, chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures.

The film will also be bittersweet as the actress Gloria Stuart, who played the older version of Rose, passed away at the age of 100 in September 2010. The last surviving passenger of the real Titanic, Millvina Dean, passed away at age 97 in June 2009. The sinking of the Titanic is not a story that many of today's youth are familiar with. Watching this movie at such a young age inspired me to research the real ship's history and hopefully this rereleased version will do the same for others.

I just hope it comes to a theater near me. What do you guys think? Are you excited? Or do you think rereleasing movies is a silly practice?

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