Monday, June 20, 2011

Adventures Around the Dinner Table

A hot meal. That is all I want, at least once a day, is a hot meal. The ability to be able to savor a hot taste of each item on my plate eludes me. This is a sacrifice, along with my rights to privacy, that is just a part of motherhood, at least in my world.

Scooby says "I'm pull." (full) after barely touching his food. His sister has talked non-stop since she sat down, yet her plate is empty. Tonight's tasty treasure? Taco Mac. A household favorite. And she still cleaned her plate (twice) despite that I had no taco seasoning this time...

Scooby lays his head down on the table. I pick up his fork and slide some food on it. Fork lifts, meets his closed lips. "Come on, Scooby. You eat better than this. Open up." Like a baby bird expecting the worm, his little lips pop open, the fork slide in and comes out clean. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Meanwhile, Jellybean has moved on to a new subject (though I forget what. The topics seemed to change as fast as she was breathing). Her second helping has been inhaled,. I'm assuming in one gulp, since I never heard her voice stop going in the background. Scooby turns his face away from me, so I slide his plate away, and put his fork down.

"You are 3 years old. You can feed yourself. Mommy's not doing this anymore."
Chatter chatter chatter.
"No, I eat! I eat! You do it, pwease?!?"
Chatter chatter chatter.

Then it dawned on me.

Scooby wants me to feed him, because it directs my attention onto him, rather than his sister. Despite the fact that before summer started, he had me to himself for 6 hours a day. Smart kid, that one.

Of course, Jellybean doesn't care. She just keeps chattering away, even after I mumble to myself, though clearly loud enough for both of them to hear.
"Someday, I too will get to eat my food when its still hot. I just need you to be quiet, and you to feed yourself. See? It's really simple."


Fingers curl around my fork, fork slides across the plate, captures a morsel. Morsel meets lips.

Chatter chatter chatter.
"You do it!"


I lip read. It's a little difficult to eat while lip reading. And painful. Have you stabbed your lip with a fork lately? ;)

By the way, I haven't been hiding, I've just been working writing. Wanna see?
My Write Side

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