Friday, June 10, 2011

Doppel-Deluge: Doppelganger Highlights Week of 5.29

Favorite 3 (I got tennis fever):

3. David Ferrer & Stephen Rea (Interview with a Vampire)

2. Maria Sharapova & Eva Amurri (Susan Sarandon's daughter)

Twin Towers

(Eva's floppy boobs)

1. Chong Li (Bloodsport) & Li Na

*Chaz Bono Special*

Hi (sp?)

The greatest chest in Action movie history not made in Austria.

"You break my record... Now I break you.. Like I break your friend."

Also, his given name is Bolo Yeung. But really that's like insisting on calling facial tissue "facial tissue" and not kleenex.

For the rest of the week (it was stellar) and all your other look-alike needs visit the mother ship at

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