Friday, June 24, 2011

BSOW: White Rage

Today I have someone very near and dear to my heart hanging around the Poop. She blogs to release the stigma of childhood onset bipolar disorder. She's a fellow writer, in fact my writing partner, with a love of the fantasy realm too. She's an advocate for CABF, and a full time student who wants to be a Parent Advocate. She is the creator of the online support group My Kid's Bipolar Now What. She's the often funny, sometimes serious, Mommylebron from Rage Against the Washing Machine.

BWS tips button

I asked Mommylebron: "If you could be any color crayon, which color would you be and why?" Enjoy....

If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why?

At first I thought this would be a hard question, I may have even groaned. But then I realized; I am white!

No, I don't mean my ethnicity. I mean, I am white, some muddled version of it anyways. But that's not what I'm referring to.

I guess I can't claim it as a symbol of my purity....three kids hello....

But I really am white. I am white in the sense that I am a combination of all colors. I am versatile in my interests and hobbies. I love all kinds of music from country to rock and everything in between. I read everything I can get my hands on from medical advise to fantasy novels. I don't have much time for tv but even there I love everything from Hoarders to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Another thing about white is that it does not absorb light, it reflects it. I feel I do the same. In dealing with my daughters issues I take this knowledge and then I throw it back out via my blog, Twitter, CABF and all the other places I haunt daily. I like to think I am doing the same on my (bumpy) journey towards being and author.

White represents other things to me as well. A blank slate, room to learn and grow. An empty canvas awaiting each brush stroke of inspiration.

So, as colorful as I see myself I can say with all certainty I am white.

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