Saturday, June 11, 2011

Doppel-Deluge: Doppelganger Highlights Week of 6.5

Favorite 3:

3. Robert Duvall & Mills Lane

I couldn't help myself, these are all my favorite Duvall movies. Buy one or six:



2. Telly Savalas & Faran Tahir

I have more favorites on this site than I could count on both hands. More than I could count on Gemma Arterton's hands. More than I could count on Antonio Alfonseca's hands even. Anyway, this one's pretty good. You heard it here first:

Who loves ya baby?

And yes I chose that specific picture of Telly on purpose. I'll go ahead and spare you a clip of him actually singing.

1. Sarah Gadon & Christina Aguilera

Gadon is one of my favorite semi-unknown actresses. My guess is that she's on the verge of catching fire. Hop on board.

And Christina will always have this:

Yep you just watched the whole thing.

For the rest of the week (it was stellar) and all your other look-alike needs visit the mother ship at

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