Friday, June 24, 2011

Bands I Like Enough To Own T-Shirts Of

These band shirts are sort of like a time capsule of my musical tastes. They're all bands I was super into in high school and early University, back in the days when I still bought and wore t-shirts on a regular basis. It's like, where is my Smiths t-shirt? Oh yeah, I didn't really listen to them when I was in my band shirt phase. Now I don't wear t-shirts very much anymore unless I'm feeling super lazy.

Pixies shirt from eBay
 Black Flag shirt from eBay
 David Bowie shirt, thrifted and cut into a crop top by moi.
 Joy Division, also from eBay
 There is an entire section of my closet devoted to Nirvana t-shirts, and funnily enough they were all gifts. This one was given to me by one of my high school friends, Jerrica.
 The vintage 'Come As You Are' Nirvana tee was a gift from Elizabeth. It is super beat up and full of holes and is my favourite t-shirt of all time.
 The Kurtney tee was a gift from Heartsrevolution.

I did a post a long time ago entitled 'In which I discuss life-defining music'. Everything I wrote back in 2009 still resonates with me today. In terms of blogging I think it is one of my finest works.

T-shirts absent from this photo session: PJ Harvey, Minor Threat, KMFDM.

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