Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Advantages of Social Media

Many of us make money from our blog. We sell ad space, review products, and utilize various means of social media to generate a following and income.

Some of us don't.

This is where other aspects of social media can come in handy.

I am a member of a mom's board. We are tight knit community, and most of the responses on my Facebook come from these friends.

My most recent query was to ask about which of the various different types of sell from home/online catalog type industries are the best to sell, even if you have a non-existent to tiny group of people to market it to.

 I don't know that I am ready to invest in any product that I have to sell right now, nor am I confident that I will make any profit at all. I'm also going to be super busy keeping my sanity by entertaining my two during the summer months.

I still did the query. It had interesting results...

 The question: If you had to sell something, and you know zero people, what would be your choice to make some profit?
A. Tupperware
B. Pampered Chef
C. Scenty/Partylite
D. Avon
E. Tastefully Simple
F. Jewelry (and who) 
G. Home (and who)

The responses came in...

They all give you food for thought (no pun intended TS sellers!!). I'm still up in the air about which one holds my interest the most (though whichever one has the products cheapest on my pocket is the big winner!).

So, now I put it to the blogosphere:

If you had to sell something, what would YOU sell? 

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