My favorite beat in the history of black people music. Also, Gza is to rap as Kevin Dillon is to Entourage. Chew on it and let it ferment and what not. That is all.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
6.29 song of the day
because it's me and Thom Yorke's favorite R.E.M. song. Also, Michael Stipe looks like an even more pathetic and decrepit Bill Murray. If that's possible.
BSOW: Slayer Girl
I hope y'all are ready because this is a holiday weekend. That's not anything out of the ordinary here, because you know I'll share my ice cream on Christmas. So, why do I think y'all need to be ready? Because today's Best Scoop of the Week will make you laugh so hard, you will hurt yourself and need to be taken to the ER stat. She hasn't quite learned the art of reading between the lines. She's not afraid to call herself out. She give tribute in memoriam where tribute is due. She's even got the balls to take on the infallible Gwyneth Paltrow not once but TWICE.
So exactly who is this week's BSOW? I'm sure you all know of her. She is the outrageous funny tell-it-like-it-is Suniverse!!
And she is here today to tell you all about who she would be for one day. Check it out:
If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be and why?
Anyone? Oooooh, delicious. I would pick Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The t.v. one, not the movie one. And not Sarah Michelle Gellar, although she is lovely. Buffy the character.
Weird? Sure. But here’s why:
- Super power-type abilities to heal quickly. This is quite helpful when you tend to cut yourself and scratch yourself and bruise yourself on a regular basis merely by existing on this planet.
- An excellent group of friends interested in helping me wipe out evil. It’s always great to know that friends have got your back, whether you’re up against gang of vampires or a group of evil geniuses or a weird swimming pool monster. Or dealing with those bastards who cut in front of you while you’re waiting in line somewhere. They are a special kind of evil.
- Three words: Sex with Spike. Wow. I need a minute.
- Needling Giles. How fun would that be? SO FUN.
- I’d say making it with Angel, but he looks way too young for me, so I’ll just age him up to his Booth character on Bones, and everyone’s happy.
- Back flips. I’ve always wanted to do those.
- Saving the world. A lot.
I think I’d make an excellent Buffy, and even if it was only for one day, I’d totally make it count by having sex with Spike, needling Giles, having sex with Spike, wiping out an uber-vampire, having sex with Spike and doing several back flips. It’d be a busy day, but worth it.
Guess what? She will be holding down the fort on Monday while I'm out enjoying fireworks telling you all about independence. Have a great holiday weekend, and please be safe.
Crazy Days of Summer {Weekly Photo Challenge}: Light
Borzoi Dog

Borzoi or Russian Wolfhound is often called hybrid Greyhound dog breeds and dog Arabic Russian long-haired shepherd. Borzoi dog is a dogs have a way a bit like a cat that has freedom of thought and independence of the natural. Borzoi keep themselves clean, they are difficult to control by their employers do not like most other dogs that make merka be difficult to train, but they have the loyalty and very friendly to people they already know well.
- Appearance
Borzoi dogs have fur is warm, soft, and dense to adapt in cold temperature environments. Formerly Borzoi dogs are kept for hunting wolves, foxes, and rabbits, but is now usually used as pet dogs to accompany humans. Borzoi dog has the physical appearance of the skull is small, light hair color (usually white with shades of brown-yellowish), and dark eyes. Height: Dogs at least 28 inches (71cm) Bitches at least 26 inches (66cm)
Weight: Dogs 75-105 pounds (34-48kg) Bitches 60-90 pounds (27-41kg)
- Temperament
Borzoi dog nature tend to be more docile and loyal to their owners than hundreds of years ago. Borzoi dog is also calm and discipline that fits into a pet at home. Borzoi can be friends with kids.
- Grooming
The long silky coat is easy to groom. Brush regularly with a firm bristle brush, and dry shampoo when necessary. Bathing presents a problem with such a tall dog but shouldn't be required very often. Clip the hair between the toes to keep the feet comfortable and to stop them from spreading. This breed is a seasonally heavy shedder.
- Health
Life expectancy is 7 to 10 years. Exceptional individuals have lived more than 14 years of age. Dogs that are physically fit and strong in their youth through middle age are more vigorous and healthier than older dogs, all other factors being equal. Cancer in the UK variety, followed by heart problems, appear to be the most common causes of premature death.
As with its native relative Hortaya Borzaya, the Borzoi is basically a very healthy breed. OCD, hip and elbow dysplasia have remained almost unknown, as were congenital eye and heart disease before 1970. However, in some countries today have raised some problems.
As with other very deep-chested breeds, gastric torsion most common serious health problems in the Borzoi. Also known as bloat, this life-threatening condition is believed to anatomical rather than strictly genetic in origin. Many Borzoi owners recommend feeding the dog instead of a podium place the food in container country, and to ensure that the dog rests quietly for several hours after eating, because the most reliable way to prevent bloat.
Less common are cardiac problems including cardiomyopathy and cardiac arrhythmia disorders. There is a dispute, the presence of progressive retinal atrophy in the breed. Condition retinopathy identified Borzoi is seen in some individuals, usually active dogs, which differs from progressive retinal atrophy in several ways. First, it is unilateral, and rare animals under 3 years of age, according to a clear pattern of inheritance has not been demonstrated, and, finally, most people do not become blind.
Borzoi puppies grow rapidly in the strong and elegant sprinters. Good nutrition during puppyhood is also debatable for Borzoi. These dogs naturally grow huge waves of the first year or two of their lives. It is now widely accepted that forcing even faster growth by feeding a highly concentrated, high-energy diet is dangerous for skeletal development, causing inconsistency and increased tendency to common problems and injuries. Being built primarily for speed, Borzoi do not carry large amounts of body fat or muscle, and thus have a rather different physiology to other dogs of similar size (such as Newfoundland, St. Bernard and Alaskan Malamute ). Laboratory formulated diets designed for a generic "large" or "giants" of the breed are unlikely to take the needs of large greyhounds into account.
Raw food issues may be particularly relevant to tall, slender breeds like the Borzoi. And 'interesting to note that Hortaya Borzaya, without a doubt a very close relative, is traditionally grown in the poor diet of oats and table scraps. Hortaya is also said to be intolerant of highly concentrated kibble feeds. In essence, the lean body weight in itself reason to be concerned, and the force-feeding of healthy young Borzoi is definitely not recommended.
More Borzoi Dog Photo:

appearance borzoi dog

shape of the head of borzoi dog
source health of Borzoi Dog
New Harry Potter Behind-the-Scenes Photos and an Exclusive Clip

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Dark Fantasy
Hel-looks, Mermaid Hair, Everyday Inspiration, Kay Kasparhauser Goldberg's Pixies tattoo, Alison #1 by Shelby Seu, Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg from Sea of Shoes
Daniel Craig And Rachel Weisz Have Secret Wedding
Daniel Craig And Rachel Weisz Have Secret Wedding!
How did they pull that off?!
Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz secretly wed last Wednesday in front of just four people in New York.
The lucky guests included Craig's daughter Ella, 18, and Rachel's son Henry, 4. Two other friends were in attendance.
The couple had a pretty quick courtship when they were first reportedly linked together sometime
How did they pull that off?!
Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz secretly wed last Wednesday in front of just four people in New York.
The lucky guests included Craig's daughter Ella, 18, and Rachel's son Henry, 4. Two other friends were in attendance.
The couple had a pretty quick courtship when they were first reportedly linked together sometime
Daniel Craig,
james bond,
Rachel Weisz,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
6.27 song of the day
I have a stack of DVDs and of all of them, this one's been played the most. Pour out a little liquor for my balls. They had a good run.
Entrant No. 3 into the *Tournament of the Races* Whitey Bracket: Esti Ginzberg
It says here on my cheat sheet that she's from Israel. So does this mean that picture of Jesus Christ painted on the window of my church with blue eyes and a strawberry blonde beard is indeed historically accurate? How can an Armenian be in the Asian bracket but an Israeli be in the white bracket? Why's the sky blue? Why is water wet? These are all questions that need to be answered.
Anyway, she's like an ultra-sleek Brooklyn Decker-Abbie Cornish hybrid that makes Hebrew sound more romantic than French.
And her name is Esti for godsakes. I defy you to find me a girl with a name like that and a face like Maggie Gyllenhaal's.
Finally, if prior to reading your post, you were unsure as to why all women hate each other. In the delicate words of the immortal Christopher Wallace, "now you know (n-word)!"
Her theme song:
Whitey Bracket Recap:
1. Kate Upton
2. Julianne Hough
3. Esti Ginzburg (current)
13 to go son. This Tournament will continue exclusively on my tumblr. @ Tyler Kahl Nude. Thanks for coming out and have a safe trip home.
Wordless Wednesday: T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
GC better get that shotgun ready......
For more Wednesday Word fun:
Don't forget to stop by and say Hi over at mommylebron's today where I post EVERY Wednesday. Today's discussion is "There's a pill for that..."
And? I also have a guest post at The Red Dress Club today. Come see what I have to say about why I write {and publish} the dark side of life.
Celebrities or Models?

What do you think of this? Should celebrities stick to what they do best and give models a chance?

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